Global Health and wellbeing. Measuring progress towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3

The Winter School will be devoted to the evaluation of global health and sustainable nutrition progress, which are fundamental to the achievement of the UN SDG3 goal (ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages).
The School will introduce and help participants gain familiarity with surveillance, WHO’s estimates and projections of the burden of disease, nutrition and lifestyle for NCDs prevention. The Covid-19 pandemic impact will be taken into account in data analyses and prediction modelling. The need for a good evaluation and communication of scientific evidence will be enlightened.
Master’s Degree and PhD students, health professionals, international organizations involved in health-related disciplines and anyone interested in the topic.
A series of live streaming intensive lectures and workshops concentrated in a week (Monday-Friday) and a didactic atelier will be held by experts from different universities and countries. This allows participants to achieve a wider representation and understanding of the topics, as well as to compare and integrate different perspectives.
The programme will be taught in English and students will have access to teaching materials through the dedicated university e-learning platform. Certificates of attendance will be provided on completion of the programme.
Participation in the Winter School is free of charge. Live streaming. A zoom link will be sent to the participants.
For more information, please contact: Anna Morandi, email:
Maria Cristina Monti, Rachele De Giuseppe (coordinators)
Manuela Anelli, Hellas Cena, Ottavia Ferraro, Maddalena Gaeta, Anna Morandi, Cristina Montomoli, Enrico Oddone, Anna Odone, Roberta Pernetti, Ioana Popa, Mario Raviglione, Simona Villani.
The applications must be submitted by email by 12th January 2023. Applications must be sent to the email address with the subject “Participation Global Health Winter School”. The application must include: - the application form, a brief CV and a copy of your ID.
Here you can find the Brochure, the Timetable and all the Biographical sketch and contacts